

The Portugal multiplier event


Due to the Covid 19 restrictions, 2 separate multiplier events have been organized on the 9th and the 10th of September. However, due to the relevance of the topic for our region and interest of further stakeholders in getting familiar with the project and its results, additionally an online session has been organized on the 29th of September. Stakeholders involved in the multiplier and dissemination events included not only educators and business organisations but also attracted representatives of the social innovation sector. The feedback received was incredibly positive and further ideas for the future use of [...]

The Portugal multiplier event2021-02-02T07:16:45+00:00

The Cyprus multiplier event


The Cyprus multiplier event was organized on 22.09.2020 in Cyprus. The event was held face to face and was focus on the presentation of the project's scope major milestones achieved and intellectual outputs delivered. Guest speaker - Dr. Costas Konis "SMEs internationalization in the challenging COVID-19 era"

The Cyprus multiplier event2021-02-02T07:13:02+00:00

The Greece multiplier event


The Greece multiplier event was organized on 16.09.2020 in Heraklion, Crete. The event was held face to face in two different venues ( because of Covid-19), providing PC to each participant to test the online training platform. The event attended (41 participants) by experts from various consulting companies, SMEs, future entrepreneurs, ΕΑΒ's members, and some participants of the pilot phase.

The Greece multiplier event2021-02-02T07:19:42+00:00

The Romania multiplier event


The final conference of the IN_DIGIT2EU project took place from 09.09.2020 util 30.09.2020, was divided from 20 people according to the requirements (the total number of participants was 100). The event was organized by the Romania partner Arad " Centrul de Dezvoltare Arad" in Romania. The events attended expert speakers, companies, trainers, and students in the last year of college who will work in SMEs. The presentations of both the project and the platform were made by Simona Haprian, Mihaela Breaz, and Florentina Audi.

The Romania multiplier event2021-02-02T07:22:58+00:00

The Polish multiplier event


Danmar Computers organized the Polish Multiplier Event on 09.09.2020. The main parts included the presentation of the digital results, discussions on internationalization, and speeches from piloting participants. The event was divided into three parts: introduction session, main session, and summary. The introduction session included registration, welcoming, Erasmus+ definition, basic information about the project objectives and partners, discussion on internationalization, and considerations on the target group. The main session included the presentation of each of the outputs, mostly the e-learning platform, but also the webpage and discussion on the needs of internationalization and the importance of e-commerce [...]

The Polish multiplier event2021-02-02T06:43:09+00:00

The Lithuania multiplier event


The Lithuanian multiplier event has been organized  in two phases 18/07 in Panevezys, Lithuania (42 participants) 17/08 in Palanga, Lithuania (43 participants) The  first event has been organized together with partner Enterprise Lithuania (responsible for export in Lithuania) The second event has been organized in August. It has been organized together with their partners ChangeMakers (consultancy company), who manage events for startups and SMEs, hackathons, business ideas camps, etc. The event attended by experts from various consulting companies, SMEs, future entrepreneurs there.

The Lithuania multiplier event2021-02-02T06:50:59+00:00

The pilot phase of our online training program has started!!!


The INDIGIT_2EU compact training platform gives the opportunity to the learners, to self-study the 5 modules related with the concept of SMEs Internationalisation, at their own pace & time. The profile of participants for the training will be SMEs owners and managers, startups, future entrepreneurs who have a validated business plan and are planning to commence business immediately. "it is a comprehensive tool for integrated delivery of all the contents produced, additional learning material, evaluation process, chat rooms, webinars, tutorial on the use of the platform etc"   -   We wish to all our participants a very constructive training experience

The pilot phase of our online training program has started!!!2020-09-24T07:54:37+00:00

Third management meeting – Kaunas, 5th, and 6th of December 2019


The third meeting of the project took place in Kaunas, Lithuania, between the 4 th and 6 h of December and was attended by all project partners. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the last phase of In_Digit2EU project. As a result, all the partners will start tests of a new program to support SMEs competences for internationalisation in April 2020. Finally, the nearest and the future responsibilities of each partner were divided, aiming to ensure the quality of the development of the outputs according to that proposed in the application. The next step is to complete the modules [...]

Third management meeting – Kaunas, 5th, and 6th of December 20192020-09-24T07:58:12+00:00

Kick of Meeting – Porto, 25th and 26th of October 2018


While EU and EU entrepreneurs strongly recognise the role of internationalisation, companies need to be prepared to face the challenges of internationalisation and involve skilled people, capable to take advantage of the opportunities. The project IN_DIGIT2EU aims to provide support to the development of skills in the area of internationalisation of SMEs and low skilled adults by providing an integrating tool that from one side is evaluating the readiness for internationalisation. From the other it allows access to upskilling path adapted to individualized needs not only of SMEs, but especially among organisations working with SMEs and HR. It includes an [...]

Kick of Meeting – Porto, 25th and 26th of October 20182019-04-17T09:58:30+00:00

Second management meeting – Rzeszów , 4th, and 5th of April 2019


The second meeting of the project took place in Rzeszów , Poland, between the 4 th and 5th of April and was attended by all project partners.  The purpose of the meeting was to refresh the project idea among partners, establishing a common understanding of terms and concepts and a unitary vision on activities. Finally, the next steps and the future responsibilities of each partner were organized aiming to ensure the quality of the development of the output according to the proposed in the application. The IN_DIGIT2EU partnership is composed by 6 partners: Arad Development Company (Leader Partner) from Romania, Danmar [...]

Second management meeting – Rzeszów , 4th, and 5th of April 20192020-09-24T07:56:22+00:00

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