IO1. IN_DIGIT2EU Self-Assessment methodology and tool
- Self-Assessment of the Readiness for Internationalisation tool – dedicated to target groups and future users as a crucial step in providing the target group a proper understanding of the requirements of internationalisation, the importance of the auditing and ensuring the supply of proper resources for successful internationalisation and how can this provide the basis for the definition of the most suitable training path, as well as including practical assessment tool to identify gaps in resources and knowledge base before a successful internationalization process can be conducted;
- Methodological Guide – dedicated to institutions interested in adopting the methodology and learning outputs providing specifics of the applied methodology, transferability requirements and recommendations for educational and SMEs supporting organisations for applications for specific pourposes of the target groups. It will provide a presentation of the tool, explanation of the core dimensions approached and evaluated and why they are important to consider.
- Report on IO 1 in English
- Report on IO 1 in Greek
- Report on IO 1 in Romanian
- Report on IO 1 in Polish
- Report on IO 1 in Lithuanian
- Report on IO 1 in Portuguese
IO2. IN_DIGIT2EU Training methodology and guide
- Methodological Guide – dedicated to institutions interested in adopting the methodology and learning outputs produced, based on both – online and offline format;
- Learning Guide – dedicated to target groups and other potential users interested in the development of skills in the area tackled by the project. The Learning Guide chapter will provide instructions for self-studying and all training contents included into recommended training paths.
- Click here to read the IO 2 Output
IO3. IN_DIGIT2EU Training Toolkit
- This supporting material will enrich the curriculum developed, providing interactivity to the contents, making it more current, practical and hands-on. Thus, it will add high value to user experience and it will be another of the innovative elements in IN_DIGIT2EU project, increasing effectiveness and attractiveness of the course. The new tools will make the training more interactive in order to assure that the learning outcomes are obtained by the participants in a user friendly, effective and more intuitive way. The materials will aim at providing easy to understand straightforward training that in effective way will allow users to develop internationalisation skills. They are not though aiming purely at the increase atractiveness and engagement of the participants.
- Click here to read the IO 3 Output
IO4. IN_DIGIT2EU Online platform
- The online platform will be the ICT tool – the project interface required to provide the produced results to the users in integrated way required to reach the project objectives. It will allow the participants, SMEs, intermediary organisations, teachers, educators and other agents interested in the methodology and results developed access and experiment with the developed outcomes. It will be developed using an e-learning platform in which the outputs will remain available also after the end of the project. It will contain pedagogical material and learning objects, tutorials, evaluation tools and other further functionalities increasing attractiveness of the course, its transferability as well as its learning effectiveness (such as exercises, interactive materials, case studies etc.).
IO5. IN_DIGIT2EU Best Practices
- This Output will gather previous experience and knowledge of engaged partners and stakeholders together with results of the piloting phase and lessons learned to produce a comprehensive guide how to effectively support internationalisation skills development for SMEs.
- Click here to open the Best Practices Guide